YB/T 5265-2023耐火材料用铬矿石/Chromite for refractory



1 范围



2 规范性引用文件


  GB/T 2007.1 散装矿产品取样、制样通则 手工取样方法

  GB/T 2007.2 散装矿产品取样、制样通则手工制样方法

  GB/T 2007.7 散装矿产品取样、制样通则 粒度测定方法手工筛分法

  GB/T 17617耐火原料抽样检验规则

  GB/T 24193铬矿石和铬精矿 锠、铁、镁和硅含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法

  GB/T 24220铬矿石 分析样品中湿存水的测定 重量法

  GB/T 24221铬矿石钙和镁含量的测定 EDTA 滴定法

  GB/T 24222铬矿石交货批水分的测定 重量法

  GB/T 24223铬矿围磷含量的测定 还原磷钼酸盐分光光度法

  GB/T 24224 铬矿石 硫含量的测定 燃烧-中和滴定法、燃烧 碘酸钾滴定法和燃烧 红外线吸收法

  GB/T 24225铬矿石 全铁含量的测定 还原滴定法

  GB/T 24226铬矿石和铬精矿钙含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法

  GB/T 24227铬矿石和铬精矿硅含量的测定分光光皮法和重量法

  GB/T 24229铬矿石和铬精矿铝含量的测定络合滴定法

  GB/T 24230铬矿石和铬精矿铬含量的测定滴定法

  GB/T 24231铬矿石 镁、铝、硅、钙、钛、钒、锰、铁和镍含量的测定 波长色散X射线荧光光谱法

  GB/T 24243铬矿石 采取份样

  YB/T 5142 冶金产品包装、标志、运输、贮存和质量证明书

3 术语和定义


4 牌号及表示方法

4.1 牌号

  耐火材料用铬矿石按三氧化二饹含量分为六个牌号。即:GKS50、GKS45、GKS40、GKS35、GKS33、GKS30 六个牌号。

4.2 牌号表示方法


5 技术要求

5.1 化学指标


表1 耐火材料用铬矿石化学指标






























5.2 其他化学指标

  供方报出耐火材料用铬矿石中 Al2O3,、Fe2O3,、MgO 的分析数据。需方如对铬矿石中钛、钒、锰、镍、磷和硫的含量有特殊要求时,可由双方协议。

5.3 水分要求


5.4 粒度要求

















5.4.1 GKS50、GKS45、GKS40,GKS35 块矿中小于 20 mm 的碎矿不超过 30%。

5.4.2 5 mm~20 mm 粒度范围为机选粒矿。

5.5 杂物要求


6 试验方法

6.1 耐火材料用铬矿石中三氧化二铬含量的测定按 GB/T 24230 的规定进行。

6.2 耐火材料用铬矿石中二氧化硅含量的测定按 GB/T 24193、GB/T 24227 或 GB/T 24231 的规定进行。

6.3 耐火材料用铬矿石中氧化钙含量的测定按 GB/T 24221、GB/T 24226或 GB/T 24231的规定进行。

6.4 耐火材料用铬矿石中氧化铁含量的测定按 GB/T 24193、GB/T 24225或GB/T 24231 的规定进行。

6.5耐火材料用铬矿石中氧化镁含量的测定按 GB/T 24193、GB/T 24221 或 GB/T 24231 的规定进行。

6.6 耐火材料用铬矿石中氧化铝含量的测定按 GB/T 24193、GB/T 24229或 GB/T 24231 的规定进行。

6.7耐火材料用铬矿石中钛、钒、锰和镍含量的测定按 GB/T 24231 的规定进行。

6.8 耐火材料用铬矿石中磷含量的测定按 GB/T 24223 的规定进行。

6.9耐火材料用铬矿石中硫含量的测定按 GB/T 24224 的规定进行。

6.10 耐火材料用铬矿石中水分的测定按 GB/T 24220 或 GB/T 24222 的规定进行。

6.11 耐火材料用铬矿石中粒度的检验按 GB/T 2007.7 的规定进行。


7.1 组批与取样

7.1.1 产品按批交货,一次交货为一批。每批为一检验单位,每一检验批为 200t,或供需双方协商确定。

7.1.2 产品取样、制样按 GB/T 2007.1、GB/T 2007.2、GB/T 17617 和 GB/T 24243 的规定进行。

7.2 判定与复检

7.2.1 产品的质量检验由技术监督部门负责进行判定,检验结果按技术要求进行判定。

7.2.2 方对产品质量有异议时,应在收到产品后两个月内向供方提出,并由供需双方会同按合同要求进行取样复检,并以复检结果作为该批产品的最终检验结果。如要求仲裁时,有关事宜由供需双方协商解决。

8 包装、标志及质量证明书

  耐火材料用铬矿石包装、标志、运输、贮存及质量证明书按 YB/T 5142 的规定进行。



Chromite for refractory

1 Range

  This document specifies the grades, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking, transportation, storage and quality certificates of chromium ores for refractory materials.

  This document applies to chromium ores for refractory materials.

2 Normative reference documents

  The contents of the following documents constitute the essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, only the version corresponding to the date of the reference file is applicable to this file, and the latest version of the reference file without the date is applicable to this file (including all modification orders).

  GB/T 2007.1 General rules for sampling and sample preparation of bulk mineral products Manual sampling method

  GB/T 2007.2 General Rules for sampling and sampling of bulk mineral products Manual sampling method

  GB/T 2007.7 General rules for sampling and sampling of bulk mineral products – Determination of particle size – Manual screening method

  GB/T 17617 Rules for sampling inspection of refractory raw materials

  GB/T 24193 Chromium ore and chromium concentrate — Determination of the content of iron, magnesium and silicon — inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry

  Gravimetric method for determination of moisture retention in GB/T 24220 chromium ore analytical samples

  GB/T 24221 Chromium ores — Determination of calcium and magnesium content — EDTA titration method

  GB/T 24222 chromium ore delivery lot moisture determination gravimetric method

  GB/T 24223 chromium ore – Determination of peritophosphate content – Reduced phosphomolybdate photometric method

  GB/T 24224 chromium ore – Determination of sulfur content – Combustion – neutralization titration, combustion potassium iodate titration and combustion infrared absorption method

  GB/T 24225 chromium ore – Determination of total iron content – Reduction titration method

  GB/T 24226 Chromium ores and concentrates — Determination of calcium content by flame atomic absorption spectrometry

  GB/T 24227 Chromium ores and concentrates — Determination of silicon content — Spectrophotometric photometric method and gravimetric method

  GB/T 24229 — Determination of aluminium content in chromium ores and concentrates — complexometric titration method

  GB/T 24230 — Determination of chromium content in chromium ores and concentrates — titration method

  Chromium ores — Determination of the contents of magnesium, aluminum, silicon, calcium, titanium, vanadium, manganese, iron and nickel — Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry GB/T 24231

  GB/T 24243 chromium ore sample taken

  YB/T 5142 Metallurgical products packaging, marking, transportation, storage and quality certificate

3 Terms and definitions

  There are no terms and definitions to be defined in this document.

4.Brand and representation

4.1 Brand

  Chromium ores for refractories are divided into six grades according to their trioxide content. Namely :GKS50, GKS45, GKS40, GKS35, GKS33, GKS30 six brands.

4.2 Brand representation method

  GKS is the chromium ore code for refractory materials, taken from the first letter of the Chinese pinyin “chromium ore”, the number behind is the lower limit of the mass percentage of chromium trioxide content.

5 Technical Requirements

5.1 Chemical Indexes

  The chemical indexes of chromium ores for refractory materials shall comply with the provisions of Table 1

Table 1 Chemical indexes of chromium ore for refractory materials


Chemical composition (mass fraction)/%




























5.2 Other chemical specifications

  The supplier reported the analysis data of Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO in chromium ore for refractory materials. If the demander has special requirements for the content of titanium, vanadium, manganese, nickel, phosphorus and sulfur in chromium ore, it can be agreed by both parties.

5.3 Moisture Requirements

  The moisture in chromium ore for refractory is not more than 10%.

5.4 Particle Size Requirements

  The particle size of chromium ore for refractory materials shall comply with the provisions of Table 2

Table 2 Particle size of chromium ore for refractory materials

Grain size type

Size range/mm

Allowable fluctuation range/%


Upper limit

Lump ore




Granulated ore



Fine ore


5.4.1 The crushed ore of GKS50, GKS45, GKS40 and GKS35 blocks less than 20 mm does not exceed 30%.

5.4.2 The particle size range of 5 mm to 20 mm is machine-sorted ore.

5.5 Requirements for Debris

  Refractory chrome ore block mineral products should not be mixed with obvious gangue and other waste debris, the surface should be clean, should not stick to mortar, soil.

6 Test methods

6.1 The determination of chromium trioxide content in chromium ores for refractory materials shall be carried out according to GB/T 24230.

6.2 The content of silica in chromium ores for refractory materials shall be determined in accordance with GB/T 24193, GB/T 24227 or GB/T 24231.

6.3 The content of calcium oxide in chromium ores for refractory materials shall be determined in accordance with GB/T 24221, GB/T 24226 or GB/T 24231.

6.4 Determination of iron oxide content in chromium ores for refractory materials shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T 24193, GB/T 24225 or GB/T 24231.

6.5 The content of magnesium oxide in chromium ores for refractory materials shall be determined according to GB/T 24193, GB/T 24221 or GB/T 24231.

6.6 The determination of alumina content in chromium ores for refractory materials shall be carried out according to GB/T 24193, GB/T 24229 or GB/T 24231.

6.7 The content of titanium, vanadium, manganese and nickel in chromium ores for refractory materials shall be determined according to GB/T 24231.

6.8 The determination of phosphorus content in chromium ores for refractory materials shall be carried out according to GB/T 24223.

6.9The determination of sulfur content in chromium ores for refractory materials is carried out according to GB/T 24224. 

6.10 Determination of moisture in chromium ores for refractories shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T 24220 or GB/T 24222.

6.11 The inspection of the particle size of chromium ore for refractory materials shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 2007.7

7 Inspection Rules

7.1 Batch and sampling

7.1.1 The products shall be delivered in batches, and one delivery shall be a batch. Each batch is an inspection unit, and each inspection batch is 200t, or determined by both parties through negotiation.

7.1.2 Product sampling and sample preparation shall be carried out according to GB/T 2007.1, GB/T 2007.2, GB/T 17617 and GB/T 24243.

7.2 Judgment and reinspection

7.2.1 The quality inspection of the products shall be judged by the technical supervision department, and the test results shall be judged according to the technical requirements.

7.2.2 If Party has any objection to the quality of the products, it shall raise it with the Supplier within two months after receiving the products, and both parties shall conduct sampling and re-inspection jointly according to the requirements of the contract, and the re-inspection result shall be the final inspection result of the products. If arbitration is requested, relevant matters shall be settled by both parties through negotiation.

8 Packing, marking and quality certificate

  The packaging, marking, transportation, storage and quality certificate of chromium ore for refractory materials shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of YB/T 5142.